Why the System Shock remake’s guns are designed to be like “campy, movie props”
By: Siobhán Casey Posted: July 28, 2023
It’s been about an hour since Evelyn Mansell – one of the lead art directors on the System Shock remake – and I started talking about guns. Specifically the big, daft chunky guns that she worked on, but also about videogame guns in general – what makes them tick. What separates a good one from a bad one. Whether or not Doom 3’s shotgun is one of the good ones (it is).
If there’s one area where all of the remake’s ideas truly come together and shine, it’s in the weapons. There wasn’t much to see in the original – nothing beyond the tip of a barrel. Here, the weapons are very much the star of the show. Heavy, industrial things covered in thumb-print smeared LCD screens and superfluous greeblies. NERF guns that’ve been painted by a 12-year-old and covered in spaceship parts. These are the toy guns you would have wanted for Christmas, and I wanted to know more about them.
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