By: Sherif Saed Posted: June 23, 2023
By now, anyone who finished Diablo 4‘s campaign and spent any meaningful time in the post-campaign/endgame, will be acutely aware of the game’s inventory sorting problems. Even setting aside the inventory size itself, the real issue is that there is no way to accurately (and quickly) see what you have.
This is demonstrated perfectly by how the game sorts Aspects, affixes that drop on gear and can be extracted and stored to be applied to different pieces. Not only can each Aspect drop with a range of values, they have different levels that depend on the item they first dropped on.
But the thing that makes finding what you have truly a nightmare is that you can never tell at a glance what the Aspect is. Since there’s no search option, you can’t type in what you want, or filter out any ones in particular.
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