CLARA: Classifying and Disambiguating User Commands for Reliable Interactive Robotic Agents. (arXiv:2306.10376v3 [cs.RO] UPDATED)
By: <a href="">Jeongeun Park</a>, <a href="">Seungwon Lim</a>, <a href="">Joonhyung Lee</a>, <a href="">Sangbeom Park</a>, <a href="">Minsuk Chang</a>, <a href="">Youngjae Yu</a>, <a href="">Sungjoon Choi</a> Posted: June 23, 2023
In this paper, we focus on inferring whether the given user command is clear,
ambiguous, or infeasible in the context of interactive robotic agents utilizing
large language models (LLMs). To tackle this problem, we first present an
uncertainty estimation method for LLMs to classify whether the command is
certain (i.e., clear) or not (i.e., ambiguous or infeasible). Once the command
is classified as uncertain, we further distinguish it between ambiguous or
infeasible commands leveraging LLMs with situational aware context in a
zero-shot manner. For ambiguous commands, we disambiguate the command by
interacting with users via question generation with LLMs. We believe that
proper recognition of the given commands could lead to a decrease in
malfunction and undesired actions of the robot, enhancing the reliability of
interactive robot agents. We present a dataset for robotic situational
awareness, consisting pair of high-level commands, scene descriptions, and
labels of command type (i.e., clear, ambiguous, or infeasible). We validate the
proposed method on the collected dataset, pick-and-place tabletop simulation.
Finally, we demonstrate the proposed approach in real-world human-robot
interaction experiments, i.e., handover scenarios.
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