‘The Binding of Isaac: Repentance’ Update Submitted to Apple, Includes Support for All Three DLC Updates and More

The wait might finally be over? maybe? Following the confirmation in December 2022 that Nicalis would be bringing The Binding of Isaac: Repentance to iOS with controller support, we hadn’t heard much about the release until a Tweet last month. Today in the official Nicalis newsletter, the publisher confirmed that The Binding of Isaac: Repentance update for iOS has been submitted to Apple. This update includes support for all three DLCs via in app purchases and more. This update will bring the iOS version up to speed with the current console and PC version (minus mods of course). Pricing for these DLC packs hasn’t been revealed, but I expect it to fall in line with the PC version. Hopefully a discounted bundle is also available. Check out The Binding of Isaac: Repentance on iPhone below:

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth currently on iOS, is lacking compared to the full version on other platforms with DLC packs and updates, but this will be fixed when the new update goes live. Since the update has been submitted to Apple, I’m hopeful that it launches soon and is supported well through the coming years and iOS updates. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is currently still $14.99 on iOS. I’d recommend waiting to see how the DLC packs are priced and when the update hits before buying anything. The PS5 and Xbox Series X versions of the game were brand new full-priced releases. The Binding of Isaac: Repentance is available for $59.99 on Xbox Series X as a complete game with all content and expansions. I played Afterbirth+ a ton of it on Nintendo Switch, but I know I’ll be playing it a lot more on iPhone and iPad. Have you tried The Binding of Isaac: Repentance on any platform yet and are you looking forward to it hitting iOS soon?



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